Nutritional Label Testing Service

Why Choose Aquatestlab?

Nutrition labelling Testing Service in Mumbai

Nutritional Label: Ensuring Accurate Information for Consumers In today's health-conscious society, consumers are increasingly concerned about the nutritional value of the food they consume. Food Nutritional label plays a critical role in helping consumers make informed decisions about the food they eat. The importance of nutritional labelling, the regulations, and how Aquatestlab can help with their expertise in nutritional analysis.

Importance of Nutritional information on food labels

Food Nutritional labels is essential for several reasons, including:

Transparency:Nutritional labelling provides consumers with transparent information about the nutritional value of the food they consume, enabling them to make informed decisions.

Health Concerns: Consumers with specific health concerns, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, can use nutritional labels to manage their diets better.

Comparison: Nutritional facts label allows consumers to compare similar products and make informed choices based on their nutritional content.

Regulations for Nutritional Labelling

Several regulatory agencies have set guidelines for nutritional labelling, including:

FDA (Food and Drug Administration): The FDA requires most food products to have a nutritional label that includes information on the serving size, calories, and nutrients such as fat, cholesterol, and sodium.

CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency): The CFIA requires nutritional labelling for most prepackaged food products and sets guidelines for the presentation of the information.

EU Regulation: The EU Regulation requires nutritional labelling on most prepackaged food products, with guidelines for the presentation of the information.

Regulations for Nutritional Labelling

1.Calories We determine the total number of calories in a food product based on the macronutrient content.

2.MacronutrientsWe test for the amounts of macronutrients, such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, in a food product.

3.MicronutrientsWe test for the amounts of micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, in a food product.

4.Dietary FiberWe test for the amount of dietary fiber in a food product.

5.SodiumWe test for the amount of sodium in a food product.

6.AllergensWe test for the presence of common food allergens, such as peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, milk, and eggs.

At Aquatestlab, we understand the importance of accurate and reliable nutritional labeling. Our testing services can help you ensure that your food products meet regulatory requirements and provide your customers with the information they need to make informed decisions about their dietary needs./p>